A juggler can
hide another
Design and direction :
Karen Bourre and
Julien Lanaud
Acting, manipulation and juggling :
Karen Bourre
Acting, lighting design, scenography and stage management :
Julien Lanaud
Assistant director and writer :
Etienne Grebot
Scenographic construction :
Eclectik Scèno
Distribution and production manager :
Adèle Petident
A zany, offbeat lecture on juggling, the feat and the fall, the magic of the bounce and the unexpected.
A juggler spends his life throwing objects that never stop falling. Does this demonstrate Murphy's Law? Or his intimate problem with Sisyphus?
With rigor, the Opopop company will try to explain to you how to succeed in failing well, how to appreciate failure and put gravity into perspective. Without gravity, jugglers wouldn't exist... or is it the other way around?
A gesticulated lecture
on the metaphysics of juggling,
the relationship to failure and.....
the meaning of the fall.
> Production : Opopop Association
> Coproduction : Festival Au Bonheur des Mômes
> With the support of :
- DRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté (application in progress)
- La région Bourgogne Franche-Comté (writing residency grant)
- La région Bourgogne Franche-Comté (creation grant - application in progress)
- City of Dijon (creation grant)
- Cirq'Onflex - Dijon (Residency)
> Residencies :
- Artdam - Longvic
- La Parenthèse - Quétigny
- Théâtre de Fontaine d'ouche - Dijon (in partnership with Cirq'Onflex)
- Le Petit théâtre de la Bouloie - Besançon. (in partnership with CROUS BFC)
- L'Abriculture - Dijon.
- Espace Culturel Louis Aragon - Saint Vallier
- Saint Apollinaire
Cie Opopop is subsidized and supported by :
Association Opopop
7 rue de Beauséjour
21000 Dijon
Siret : 528 625 438 00033
Code APE : 9001Z
N°Licence : 2-107 6317