Company Opopop
Karen was born one fine winter's morning, in front of a Christmas tree
Do juggling balls grow on Christmas trees?
A few years later, and not entirely by chance,
she ended up at Circus Space in London and became a juggler.
And then, one thing led to another:
Cie Gandini Juggling Project, Cirque Baroque, Cie Pok,
la cie Préoccupé-Nikolaus, la cie Jérôme Thomas (Rain-Bow, Sortilèges), la Cie Manie, Le Cirque Ilya,
juggling duo Have a Ball (28th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, Le plus grand Cabaret du monde, Circus Krone, Nikouline...)
And then OPOPOP
Julien took advantage of his conscientious objection to become a LIGHT MANAGER.
Since 2000, he has been on the road with a number of companies, including : Le théâtre de l'Éclaircie, Les Derniers Hommes, Cie 9.81, FRAC théâtre, Cie Anxo, Cie Jérôme Thomas ( Sortilèges, le DUO, et ICI.), Cie Gandini Juggling (Smashed), but also around contemporary music.
In recent years, he has toured with the show Der Lauf
and creates plastic installations in every sense of the word.
For OPOPOP, he lights and creates scenographies full of tricks and surprises.
Cie Opopop is subsidized and supported by :
Association Opopop
7 rue de Beauséjour
21000 Dijon
Siret : 528 625 438 00033
Code APE : 9001Z
N°Licence : 2-107 6317