Design and performance:
Karen Bourre and
Julien Lanaud
Outside view :
Laurence Vigné
Creation 2021
Press coverage
A full house
Captivated from the very first minutes, the children enjoyed this plunge into the fantastic and magical daily life of a Rosie Rose who is as surprising as she is talented.
The room was packed, and above all delighted by the poetry, charm and magic of a show which, from the very first minutes, or the very first notes for that matter, draws the audience into a daily life tinged with fairy tales and fantasy.
The children were not mistaken: receptive from the start, they even came to the rescue of Rosie Rose, who was disturbed in her reading by a multitude of little intrusions. Here and there, a cheese-stealing mouse, flowers swaying to the music, disturbing shadows. Admiring her prowess as an improvised juggler.
In short, a real little moment of happiness, rewarded as it should be by hearty laughter.
La Montagne - 2013
Rosie Rose is like Sarah Kay meets Betty Boop, in a cozy, flowery interior. Rosie Rose, aka Karen Bourre, is full of mischief and facetiousness, a kind of gently melancholy clown. A daily life full of gentle madness, disturbed by the untimely passage of cheese-snatching mice - little mice cobbled together by the show's shadow man, Julien Lanaud.
The spectator is plunged into the world of American cartoons. There's a lot of fiddling and tinkering going on in the show, which is full of deceptively spectacular but terribly effective effects. [...]. A beautiful moment of humor and feminine lightness.
Le Bien Public - 2012
Rosie Rose conquers the theater
Rosie Rose's little home, bathed in jazz music performed by Rose Murphy, is inhabited by juggler Karen Bourre and, above all, by her radiance. [...]Magic, but not just any kind of magic. Not the kind of pretence that needs tricks. With Karen and Julien, it's a magic that takes you into a world where mice are accomplices, where drama is born in light or music, where the patchwork stuffed deer sings, where a storybook is suddenly held by the six hands of the reader. And then there's the magic of juggling and hula-hooping, where failure is almost reassuringly human.
Hundreds of Beaune children have enjoyed this show by Compagnie Opopop, and have certainly inhabited their Rosie Rose dreams.
Le Bien Public - 2013
Rosie Rose enchants her young audience
[...] Rosie Rose's universe enchanted the young audience
Le journal du Centre - 2013
A little mischievous, a lot of magic and a passionate juggler, Karen Bourre of the Opopop company welcomed a full house on Saturday for a surreal and humorous show for young audiences. Welcome to "Rosie Rose".
[...] it's funny, poetic and magical. The applause increases. At Rosie Rose's, we'd love to stay.
Dernière Nouvelle d'Alsace - 2013
To date, "Rosie Rose" has been performed 219 times by way of:
Kaohsiung Spring Art Festival 2014 - Taiwan, Théâtre du Beauvaisis - Scène Nationale (60), Le Toboggan - Décines (69), Théâtre de la Renaissance - Oullins (69), Espace Albert Camus - Bron (69), Taipei Art Festival - Taiwan, Forges Royales - Guérigny (58), Festival la Charente fait son cirque - Chassenueil (16), Festival de la Planche à Clou - Rully (71), Centre Charlie Chaplin - Vaulx en Velin (69), Festival Graines de Mai - Yzeure (03), Festival Scènes d'Hiver - Rennes (35), Festival A pas Contés - (21), Festival Avril des Clowns - Gignac (34), Théâtre de Saint Malo (35),Théâtre de Fontaine d'Ouche - Dijon (21), Turckeim (67), Bistrot de la scène - Dijon (21) Saint Appolinaire (21), Mesnil sur Iton (27), Dijon (Cirque Lili) (21), Maison Jacques Copeau - Pernand Vergellesses (21), Festival Rabotage - Semur en Auxois (21), Pays de Nérondes (18), Marsannay la Côte (21), Pennautier (11), La Conserverie - Saint Gilles Croix de vie (85), Pontarlier (25), Karavan Théâtre - Chassieu (69), Le Neutrino - Genas (69), L'amphi - Yutz (57), Perrigny les Dijon (21), Festival Courant d'Art en culottes courtes (12), Centre Culturel Matisse - Noyelles Godault (62), Théâtre de Givors (69), Marsannay la Côte (21), Thil Châtel (21), Le Briscope - Brignais (69), Chevigny Saint Sauveur (21), Bistrot de la scène - Dijon (21) La bourboule (63), Saint Maurice l'exil (38), Festival Malice au Pays - Vallée du Loir (72), Château du Loir (72), Théâtre Théo Argence - Saint Priest (69), Saison culturelle de Quetigny (21), Espace culturel Malraux - Nantua (01), Salle des Fêtes - Montigny en Gohelle (62), Théâtre municipal - Gray (70),
Conservatoire de musique - Joigny (89), Lons le Saunier (39),Les zurluberlus - Semur en Auxois (21), Patadôme - Irigny (69), L'escapade - Henin Beaumont (59), Chevigny Saint Sauveur (21), Etrepilly (77), Gueugnon (71), Théâtre des Feuillants - Dijon (21), Théâtre Gaston Bernard - Châtillon sur Seine (21), Salers (15), Vitrac (15), Raulhac (15), Laroquebrou (15), Salle P. Eluard - Montbard (21), Saint Flour (15), Ostwald(67), Schiltigheim (67), Vendenheim (67), Théâtre de Beaune (21), Gevrey Chambertin (21), Saint Romain le Puy (42), Chagny (71), Louhans (71), Théâtre Mansart - Dijon (21), L'Abreuvoir - Salives (21), Festival les Eclectiques - Carvin (62), Théâtre des Feuillants - Dijon (21), Salle Jacques Fornier - Dijon (21), Digoin (71), Le Polygone - Chevigny Saint Sauveur (21), Les Queulots Folies - Saint Vallier (71), Mirebeau sur Bèze (21)..
Cie Opopop is subsidized and supported by :
Association Opopop
7 rue de Beauséjour
21000 Dijon
Siret : 528 625 438 00033
Code APE : 9001Z
N°Licence : 2-107 6317