Design and performance:
Karen Bourre and
Julien Lanaud
Artistic direction :
Fréderique Moreau de Bellaing
Set Design :
Eclectik Scèno
Imagine, set against the backdrop of the stage, a neat little house inhabited by a slightly awkward juggler.
Confronted with a constantly disrupted daily life, she adapts to the gravity of the times with humor and panache.
She moves forward, clinging to this altered, windy, wobbly world, not realizing that her habits are part of the cause of the upheaval.
And even if, one day, everything were to blow away, she'd make do, and continue to make objects dance.
But what if even gravity is disrupted?
With lightness and humor, this show raises the question of the climate crisis we are going through, not by imposing a solution, but rather by seeking to unite us around the same observation.
Juggling to represent everyday life,
Magic to reveal the world's vertigo,
Humor to survive in between
To date, "De la Nécessité de la Gravité" has been performed 97 times at :
Chateau Rouge -Annemasse (74), Théâtre de Nîmes (31), Festival Au bonheur des mômes - Grand Bornand (74), Festival Les P'tits Malins, la MAL - Thonon les Bains (74), Festival Boule de Gomme - Angers (49) Maison de la culture - Gauchy (02), Théâtre Gérard Philippe - Orléans (45), Le Dôme - Théâtre de Saumur (49), MJC Palente, Besançon (25), Centre culturel Jean Pierre Fabrègue - Saint Yrieix (87) Centre Culturel de La Chapelle Saint Luc (10), Saison Culturelle de Quetigny (21), Saint Appolinaire (21), L'écrin - Talant (21), Festival Queulots Folies - Saint Vallier (71), Théâtre Mansart (21), Espace Jean Bouhey - Longvic (21) Théâtre municipal de Gueugnon (71), Théâtre de semur en Auxois (21), Théâtres des feuillants - Dijon (21), Théâtre des Forges de Fraisans (39), Le triangle - Huningue (68), La Conserverie - Saint Gilles croix de Vie (85), Théâtre de Thouars (79), L'Imprévu - Saint Ouen L'aumône (95), Le Trait d'Union - Neufchateau (88), Le Manège - Vienne (38), Le Karavan Théâtre - Chassieu (69), Festival Idéklic (39), Art Rhena - Volgelsheim (68), Espace Aragon - Villard Bonnot (38), Le jeu de Paume - Vizille (38),.....
As part of "Arts et Scènes", Lantenay (21), Clénay (21), Til Chatel (21)
Creation at Le Cèdre - Chenôve (21)
Cie Opopop is subsidized and supported by :
Association Opopop
7 rue de Beauséjour
21000 Dijon
Siret : 528 625 438 00033
Code APE : 9001Z
N°Licence : 2-107 6317