Exhibition at the Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon
The "Mouvants" dance with the wind, like fire in the hearth.
As the wind blows, you'll follow their bewitching dances, hypnotized by their falls and flights, absorbed by their changing colors.
A ballet of plastic will be born before your eyes, and they'll dance for you endlessly.
Exhibition and workshop at Espace des Arts, Scène Nationale de Chalon sur Saône
In this poetic proposal, our plastic waste is given a new lease of life, dancing with our dreams and taking flight in a voluptuous breath, to reveal light, airy, free bodies, sometimes human, sometimes monstrous, which crash to the ground only to take flight again.
This hypnotic device is a moment of repose, a suspended time when spectators are invited, if they wish, to play with the wind's randomness and take control of the colors to interact with these vulnerable "beings".
This silent ballet in perpetual renewal will be accompanied by minimalist, all-encompassing music, specially composed to support these ghostly "dancers" in their improvisations.
these plastic puppets, whose number can be adapted according to the space, will be individually set in motion by an invisible ventilation device incorporated into the scenography.
Each puppet will be illuminated by 2 LED spotlights, enabling all the primary colors to be mixed, with spectators able to immerse themselves in the programmed polychromies and control the color changes.
The fan speed can also be modulated.
The spectators will be immersed in the same black box as the "plastic performers", enveloped by the music, and sound will be multidiffused.
In this way, the "Mouvants" will come to life in an infinite renewal.
Cie Opopop is subsidized and supported by :
Association Opopop
7 rue de Beauséjour
21000 Dijon
Siret : 528 625 438 00033
Code APE : 9001Z
N°Licence : 2-107 6317